Yesterday I went to the barrel races in Marana Arizona. In the week leading to this I had done a shoot and had a memory card failure so I wanted to test out the new cards. I also wanted to show my support to the barrel racers that were there from Queen Creek that I have had the pleasure of taking photos for the last year. Since moving down towards Tucson I won’t be able to shoot as many races as I want up in Queen Creek. I am sure I will head up and do some races there since I have a new found passion for capturing barrel racing photos.
This is just a small sample of the photos that I took. You can see more on my CameraWe Facebook Page. There is about 7 albums of photos. Feel free to “Like” the page so you get to see all the photos I put up.
How do I view pictures from yesterday. I was 4, 59 and 108.
They are all up on the Facebook page